Benefits of studying with DHA

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Tafseer of the noble quran
Etiquette of a student of knowledge (1)

Student Reviews

All of my teachers were very professional and dedicated to student learning. Valuable aspects of this course/s were All the knowledge I obtained.


Taesha Edwards , (Teacher)

To my loving ablah umm ammar thank u for the effort and non stop knowledge u have shared. May Allah reward u abundantly. Stay active for the benefits of all. Thank u.


NUR-ASHIA H. CANI , (Rad Tech)

The course contents are excellent for beginners. Najwa ma’am is really helpful and hardworking and motivating. Useful and valuable both We are learning steadily and correctly from this academy.


Areeba Asif , (Home Maker)

جزاكن الله خيرا في الدارين..  وحفظكن الله


most useful aspects of this course is Learning about the Tafseer of QUR-ĀN  

So that we can implement it in our daily life. And to have more khushooh during salāh  while reciting any sūrah.

Arfaiza Ibno , (Radiologic Technologist)

I like studying here because muallima Umm Ammar is very disciplined in correcting my Qur’an reading.

so that with Allah’s permission I practice justifying my recitation of the Qur’an. like iqlab and dal letter. I hope I can continue my studies in Mecca and meet muallima umm Ammar.

بارك الله فيك يا معلمتاني

أحسن الله إليك يا معلمتاني 🌸🌸


Ventia Mathla'il Fajr, Student

Jazakunnallah khayran kathiran for teachers and admin, I’m grateful for your efforts and patience in these classes, I love being a student here 🌸The teachers and students are very kind and friendly, the timing for studying is match for my time


Lulu Ilmaknun , (Student)

I would like to thank ustadha um Ammar which only Allah subhanahu watala can give ajr  for her efforts time and patience may Allah reward her in abundance Ameen.

Very patient teachers n We can get corrected in our recitations in memorization class by v brilliant teachers.  Alhumdulillah for the free benefits we are having

May Allah reward the whole team of DHA great. may this effort of yours be heavy on your scales of hasanat Ameen


Safoora syed (masters), (masters)

Muallimah Dr. Nagwa – I’ve learned a lot from you muallimah.. May Allah bless and preserve you. Ameen

Muallimah Umm Maryam – I also learned a lot from you muallimah both Tafseer big surah and biography of Imam Ahmad ibn hanbal. May Allah bless and preserve you. Ameen

Everything in this course is useful to me. Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless the people behind this academy. Ameen. I have enjoyed this academic year with a lot of learnings that I will surely bring with me even I go out the academy, in shaa ALLAH


Abier Jamaluddin., ( Radiologic technologist).

JazakAllah kheran for motivating us and choosing to teach the life of imam ahmad bin Hanbal. We need to connect our children to our roots and your focus on the subject will help spread awareness.

Asma, (Doctor)

Jazakallah khair mualima  dr nagwa and umm maryam for the classes.The classes were interesting and  well explained. The teachers exhibited good level of patience and were eager to clear our doubts.



Samanna gaffoor, (Chartered accountant)

Jazakallah khair for your intention, time, effort and most importantly sincerity and knowledge that you have shared with us. I appreciate that you have come forward even during the times of uncertainties (covid and lockdown) to provide Islamic education for women. As the uncertainties gather and increase it is incumbent for us to keep on the straight path and be focus on what is certain the moment we take our first breath, which is death. Your efforts has made and reminded me of my purpose weekly and kept my focus on to the journey back to Allah. please do know that there are students like me who are in need of this and would strive to make effort and time to learn from you as I am a mother and I realise I need guidance and pacing to keep my own children educated. There are times when I do not have any idea what stories to tell them at bedtime and I only had the lessons you have taught me that day for me to tell them, it became beneficial to my children as well. Therefore I pray that Allah would accept your efforts and make this a means of sadaqa jariyah for you and make these a means for you to attain the highest elevation and status in Jannah. Ameen.

Nurnasriah Mohamed Nasir , (House maker)

Dear Dr Nagwa

Jazakum allahu alf khair for your time and invaluable teaching. Your teaching was vey interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed  your lessons and learning the most  beautiful Arabic language.  I would most definitely love to learn this language further, Inshaa Allah.

Your explanation of the grammar were very clear and you made it seem so simple. Overall the whole course was valuable for me,May Allah(swt) reward both you and Darul Hijrah abundantly with alf khair in both duniyah and akhirah for providing this course for us, Ameen

Fatima Faki , (Practice Manager (Linguist too)

Dr.Nagwa taught us during the course. She is really very sincere and hardworking. I am very much thankful to her for all her efforts and motivation. May Allah bless her with all success in life. Yes ,This course  helped  me to  improve my Arabic. I have learnt new vocabularies. Thank you very much to all the members of DHA .All the best.


Dr.Durdana Lateef, Assistant professor in Taibah University

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all my lessons because each one of you has kindly dedicated so much knowledge to us and worked tirelessly to make sure we understand. most useful is The knowledge level and understanding the teachers have

Zainab Govalia, Teacher

Ustadha umm yusof, you are so patient and loving to us. I couldn’t recite Quran fluently; Alhamdulillah I improve now. I loved it.


Fokhre jahan , (Student)

Alhamdulillah I have learned a lot from my Muallimat. They are all hardworking. May Allah bless them all and accept their efforts. Everything I learned is indeed useful and valuable to me as a Muslimah who is striving to become better to please Allah. I sincerely thank the administration of Darul Hijrah Academy for the great opportunity to learn the Qur’an and its Language despite the pandemic. We get to meet sisters from around the world and be acquainted with them. Alhamdulillah. I hope your endeavor in spreading authentic knowledge will continue and be blessed by Allah.


Mozifa I. Ibbin, Teacher

Alhamdullah i love the way umm maryam teaches may Allah increase her in knowledge, grant her complete shifa’a and strength to continue with the good job. Dr Nagwa also ma shaa Allah i love her lillah jazakumullahu khayran


Fatimah bintu Mustapha, (Accounting)

Umm Maryam and Umm Yusuf ,jazakumullahu khairan for teaching us  I’m blessed that you were my teachers.maa shaa Allah .May Allahu taalah preserve your lives here in dunya till akhirah. Hayyakummulllahu Jamian wa baarakAllahu fikum.


Nordaya J. Arasid, Student

Teacher were very experienced and very good in English to help us understand well  both Tafseer and Arabic. Baraka Allah Feekun Dr Nagwa and Umm Maryam. Two of the best lecturers in Tafseer,  very interesting classes , and an excellent history of Tafseer by Umm Maryam. 

Also the Arabic course Dr Negwa is an excellent teacher, I learnt and understood so much in her Arabic class, and also learnt a lot of Arabic in the Tafseer class.

Salma El Shazley , Health Profession